
Power Generation & Cogeneration Professional Manufacturer
Model Fuel Power Specification
CG200-NG Natural Gas 200KWe
CG520-NG Natural Gas 520KWe
CG1000-NG Natural Gas 1000KWe
CG66-NG Natural Gas 66KWe
CG50-NG Natural Gas 50KWe
CG75-NG Natural Gas 75KWe
CG350-NG Natural Gas 350KWe
CG270-NG Natural Gas 270KWe
CG220-NG Natural Gas 220KWe
CG150-NG Natural Gas 150KWe
CG430-NG Natural Gas 430KWe
CG100-NG Natural Gas 100KWe

We care more about

continuous running

  • 24/7
  • Reliable
  • Robust

>> Project Engineering

We are able to engineer a full gas project for our customers, covering the designing, fabrication and delivery of the units, as well as creating a service plan for the generator.

TGE800-NG-800kw gas genset service and support

>> After Sales Service

At PowerLink, we provide all our customers with a comprehensive aftersales service worldwide, allowing customers to have peace of mind when using our generators.


>> Accessories Support

PowerLink has parts warehouses in Europe, Asia, America, and Oceania, with a sufficient level of stock at each warehouse to provide customers with original parts when needed.

Service Applications

The provision of high-quality associated services for Powerlink gas generator is the main factor driving the long-term cooperation between PowerLink and our customers. PowerLink offers its customers a full package of services associated with repair and technical support of its own and third-party equipment.


High-quality and competent equipment installation, start-up and run-in is a ticket to its continuous failure-free operation. The commissioning package enables the customer to obtain a facility fully prepared for operation.


PowerLink carries out pilot operation of its new solutions at customer enterprises as part of joint projects.


Periodic equipment inspection and diagnostics as well as technical consultations with the customer, help prevent any problems or interruptions of power with our generators. PowerLink specialists can perform maintenance and repair at a time convenient for the customer regarding problems with their gas generators, or affiliate equipment.


At PowerLink, our available production potential allows our team to perform repairs of any complexity within the customer’s agreed timelines on their purchased generator. OEM parts, consumable materials, and their analogs are delivered from our central warehouse in Shanghai, China, but PowerLink offers spare parts and consumable materials for all products to customers all over the world.


PowerLink upgrades the previously supplied own- and third-party equipment at a customer’s site upon request. The aim of such upgrading is normally to aid in increasing the capacity of the existing system and improvement of the equipment control, which in turn simplifies the plant operator’s duties and signal transmission to the upper-level automatic control system.


Upon request, the customer may have its personnel properly trained by our team to ensure further adequate operation of the equipment supplied by PowerLink. This training programme can take place at both the customer’s site and in the PowerLink training centre.


Have any questions about our products, becoming a partner or how we can help with your gas projects?

Speak with our team today by pressing the link below.